
#016 Edu's Talks: Harvesting - 5th Stage of Ubuntu Leadership

CELEBRATING RESULTS and LEARNINGS is one of the hallmarks of 5th Stage of the Ubuntu Leadership Journey: HARVESTING, theme of this EDU'S TALKS. After AWAKENING, DISCOVERY, SEEDING and GROWING, it is time to synthesize WHAT YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED and, in connection with YOURSELF, with OTHER PEOPLE, the WORLD and the COSMOS, restate the question of the beginning of the process: WHY DO I DO ALL THIS?

Then, from the PURPOSE, you will start A NEW EVOLUTIONARY CYCLE.

If it's your first time here, I am Edu Seidenthal, a Brazilian coach, educator, facilitator, speaker and writer, and my purpose is to inspire people, teams, and organizations to express their humanity.

“EDU'S TALKS” is the English version of “Coffee with Edu”, a program that I have been presenting since 2016, with my reflections on THE UBUNTU WAY OF BEING, SELFtrepreneurship, LEADERSHIP, PURPOSE, and so on. It responds to requests from many coaches, teams, and friends of mine who are not Brazilians and could not keep up with my content in Portuguese. It will be published every Thursday here.

Ubuntu. I am because you are. You are because we are.


CELEBRAR OS RESULTADOS E OS APRENDIZADOS marca o 5º Estágio da Jornada da Liderança Ubuntu: COLHER. Após DESPERTAR, DESCOBRIR, SEMEAR E CRESCER, é o momento de sintetizar O QUE VOCÊ VIVENCIOU e, em conexão CONSIGO, COM AS OUTRAS PESSOAS, O MUNDO E A ESPIRITUALIDADE, iniciar um novo ciclo evolutivo, a partir do PROPÓSITO. Confira!

O EDU’S TALKS é o meu novo programa, em inglês, publicado às quintas-feiras, com reflexões sobre UBUNTU, EUpreendedorismo, LIDERANÇA.

Ubuntu. Eu sou porque você é. Você é porque nós somos.


#017 Edu's Talks: Growing at the speed of trust


#015 Edu's Talks: Tribute to Nelson Mandela